P.L.A.A Longest Serving Members / Volunteers Honoured, News (Port Lambton Pirates)

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May 04, 2018 | Sophia Burgess | 1096 views
P.L.A.A Longest Serving Members / Volunteers Honoured
Last night we honoured our longest serving members/volunteers of the P.L.A.A. Dianne Ross, Frank Johnston, Janet Sterling, Shirley Johnston and Phil Johnston. These five members have contributed to the community for decades in all community events and youth programs. Mayor of St. Clair Township Steve Arnold attended and presented them all with township memorabilia and P.L.A.A presented each member with an individual award recognizing their service and thanking them from all the youth of the community past and present.

 Also last night a new award was unveiled which was created by P.L.A.A in honor of all our past and present volunteers to be given out at both local grade schools Sacred Heart Catholic School and Riverview Central Public school. This award will be given to an individual grade 8 student at each of these schools every year who best represents "The P.L.A.A Caring Community Student" A student who best exemplifies citizenship, community/school involvement, volunteerism,  a student who just does their part to make their community a better place.

This award best represents what these five honourees above have been doing for decades here in Port Lambton. They are the example or definition of this award within our community and we hope this award will recognize and promote this among the youth of our community and schools.

Jeremy VanRuymbeke

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