Port Lambton Athletic Association ... Looking For Volunteers!, News (Port Lambton Pirates)

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Jan 21, 2019 | Sophia Burgess | 4358 views
Port Lambton Athletic Association ... Looking For Volunteers!
Port Lambton Athletic Association is looking for volunteers. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

We have many areas of need. You don't have to become a member to take on a role or help us with an event. Our Baseball program has grown over the years and its amazing to see the success happening on and off the field with these groups of kids. But that takes a lot of work behind the scenes as well and that is where we need your help.

We currently have some people that help us out throughout the year and do so without becoming a member or attending our regular meetings.

We couldn't operate without some of these people or positions, this shows the commitment can be what you want.

These are the areas we are in need of support:

1. Baseball Committee - Help make decisions and become part of our ball program, coaching selection committee, registrar, OBA Rep. Umpire Support, Equipment Manager, Purchaser. This committee meets less often and is all about baseball. Some duties can be done from comfort of your own home.

2. Tournament Convenor- Help with organization of a tournament. This is mostly all done before the tournament even begins. Help with one or help with as many as you can.

2.Fundraising Committee - bring forward ideas and execute various fundraising events.

3.Full Active P.L.A.A member- help make decisions on our programs and activities and where funding is spent.

4. Canteen Support- Looking for volunteers to help run MacDonald Park Updated canteen. Bring forward ideas. We are looking to utilize this canteen much more this year and need your help!

5.Sponsorship Team- Continue to look for sponsorship opportunities.

We are in need of your help. To continue to offer one of the best and most affordable youth baseball programs around we need more volunteers. That's the bottom line.

Please don't hesitate to ask us any questions as this is our off season and where we can use the extra help in preparing for the upcoming year.

This is your community and your association, Help us continue to offer our youth the experience we had when we were kids.

Please contact any member of P.L.A.A if you have any questions to to express an interest in volunteering!
