We would like to congratulate our 2019 P.L.A.A Community Student Of The Year Award recipients.
This award is in honor of all present and past community volunteers who have helped make our community a better place for all the youth in the area through sports and activities.
This is the second year this award has been given out. This award is given to the student who best exemplifies citizenship (community /school) involvement, athletics and a student who just makes their community a better place.
This award was created to encourage all students and youth the importance of volunteer work in the community and how it impacts the youth of the community.
Congratulations girls! Your community is very proud!
Amy Toner is our 2019 award recipient from Sacred Heart.
Sacred Heart Principal, Jennifer Morrow & Amy Toner
Laura Vandandool is our 2019 award recipient from River View

P.L.A.A Executive member Jeremy VanRuymbeke & Laura Vandandool