COVID-19 Update - Pirates 2020 Baseball Season, News (Port Lambton Pirates)

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Jun 18, 2020 | Sophia Burgess | 14483 views
COVID-19 Update - Pirates 2020 Baseball Season
Hello Pirates Parents & Players,

As you all know COVID-19 is here and with that many cancellations across the province have happened including most sports activities.

Baseball in Ontario was affected and locally our Girls Lambton Softball League was cancelled by their Softball Association, W.C.B.A has cancelled the River League (hardball) season for all age groups and T-ball is cancelled as well.

With the seasons being cancelled insurance for these players is not available, meaning no coverage for any type of baseball activity (including training and practices). As for OBA, (W.C.B.A) Western Counties has suspended all league play for OBA/REP play but will follow Ontario Baseball’s RETURN TO PLAY plan and the provinces guidelines to allow possible practices/training if deemed safe to do so.

2020 Season Registration Refund Information

As for 2020 BASEBALL REGISTRATION already completed and paid for by you, we understand everyone has a
different financial situation. With baseball being cancelled in multiple leagues and divisions. Refunds can now take place if requested.

PLAA will start accepting 2021 Registration and Fees starting August 1, 2020. If you are ok with
letting your money carry over to the 2021 season then no further action is required. If you do want to request a
refund, requests can be made to Kaylen Burgess at [email protected] 

Please review Ontario Baseball Association's June 12th 2020 statement below.

* OBA (Ontario Baseball Association) represents REP / Travel hardball.

Click Here: OBA June 12th Statement 

Following this announcement, PLAA met with St. Clair Township for permission to use the diamonds here in Port
Lambton. Once all criteria is met, protocols in place and all necessary waivers/acknowledgements are signed by all participating execs, coaches and parents and then returned we MAY be given permission to resume practices and training. We will strictly be enforcing the changing rules and guidelines in reference to gathering limits set out by the Provincial Government.

The importance of our youth’s mental and physical health is at the utmost importance to us and we realize we can
follow all protocols while providing a safe fun environment for these players which we think some modified baseball training/practice will be very beneficial to their well-being.

After discussing with our REP coaches and gauging their interest and taking feedback we feel we can offer a limited practice/training season in a controlled environment while providing a safe fun experience. The only divisions we can offer this experience will be OBA LEVEL ROOKIE, MOSQUITO, PEEWEE and BANTAM. This is solely because of insurance being available for these players through OBA. Our hands are tied on this and we wish we could offer something for all our Pirates’ family and players but that will not be possible in 2020.

This practice/training season will be made available for all interested OBA rep players or those players wishing to pursue a REP team in the future. It will be approx. 1-2 nights a week and there will be a small fee of $30-40 per player. PLAA decided to keep this one-time fee for practices/training sessions separate from your 2020 registration fee to keep things simple and make carry over to 2021 smoother.

This price will be confirmed once we know numbers participating and any associated costs with needed safety supplies, additional diamond maintenance etc. There could be added costs if games or provincials are to be permitted by province, if St. Clair Township/Lambton County is moved into a Phase 3 area. Start date will be decided once all Municipal/Association needs and approvals are met including player insurance. Likely nothing before July 1.

Shortly, Our OBA coaches will be reaching out to all eligible players via email to see if there is an interest level and for those that are interested, PLAA rules and Instructions will be given to those parents along with all waivers,
acknowledgments and the OBA RETURN TO PLAY document as well ROWAN’s Law (concussion safety) for you to read and complete. Please understand we can offer a safe environment for our players in groups of no more than 10 and attendance will be tracked and recorded but there will be very strict rules on how drop off and pick up of your player will take place. This will not be your typical summer baseball experience and we ask you for your help in this matter. More details will be given out at a later date to those interested.

Please note that these practices/training sessions are not mandatory and attendance, although tracked for contact
tracing will not be used against the player if and when tryouts are made available at a later date. We respect your
decision whatever it may end up being and if you choose to not participate we hope and look forward to seeing you next spring 2021.

We hope everyone is staying safe, throwing the ball in the backyard and enjoying the sunny weather.

We miss you and look forward to seeing you bigger, stronger, energized and ready for the 2021 ball season!


Port Lambton Athletic Association Executive

Available resources:

Click Here:
Baseball Ontario ALL COVID-19 Updates & Resources

Click Here: Rowans Law

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