Jersey Deposit / Volunteer Cheques, News (Port Lambton Pirates)

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Apr 11, 2023 | Sophia Burgess | 597 views
Jersey Deposit / Volunteer Cheques
We will be requiring two separate post dated cheques this season, post dated October 1st, 2023.These cheques will be made out to Port Lambton Athletic Association.

These cheques are for the following:

1. Jersey deposit ($75 / per player)
2. Two hours of volunteer time ($75 / per family)

These will be required before receiving a jersey this season. If you do not have personal cheques you can go to your bank's branch and request one. 

If you cannot provide cheque(s), please e-transfer your total to [email protected] before the date of receiving a jersey. 

*T-Ball no jersey cheque required. If you ONLY have a child playing in T-Ball, no volunteer cheque is required. If you have a child in T-Ball and other divisions as well, you will require a volunteer cheque. T-Ball only families are exempt from volunteer hours.

Please give individual jersey cheques to your team's manager.
The family volunteer cheque needs to go to the manager of your oldest player.


One player playing, we will require:

1 post dated volunteer cheque for $75.00 
1 post dated jersey cheque for $75.00

Three players playing, we will require:

1 post dated volunteer cheque for $75.00 
1 post dated jersey cheque per player for $75.00  / each 
Once your jersey(s) is returned and your two hours of volunteer hours are met your cheques will be returned or you will receive your money back via cheque. 
Team managers will be keeping the team's cheques for the season. 

There are zero exceptions to this. Your child will not go on the diamond this summer without this being done. We have replaced and lost multiple jerseys over the last year and we will not continue to do this. Volunteer hours (2) are mandatory to keeping our costs to play at a minimum. 

We appreciate your cooperation in this. If you have any questions please feel free to reply to this email. 

Mandatory Volunteer Hours Every family registered with PLAA (minus t-ball only families) will be required to submit a $75.00 volunteer cheque post dated for October 1, 2023. Cheques are to be made payable to Port Lambton Athletic Association. You will receive your cheque back once you complete 2 volunteer hours. 

To offer these community programs at such a minimal cost, it is imperative to have your support and help. All parents/guardians will be required to complete 2-4 hours of volunteer service per family in the below noted areas. Upon completion of these hours & your uniform returned your cheque will be returned, if the hours are not completed your cheque will be cashed.

The volunteer opportunities listed below, are the only ones that hours will be recognized:

- Head Coach / Assistant Coach / Team Manager
- Tournament Convenor / Helper
- Working in the concession booth
- Gala Days (helper / setup / takedown)
- Park and Diamond Maintenance
- PLAA Executive/board Member

* Game changer, score keeping and pitch counts are considered team responsibilities. These are not recognized volunteer hours. 

Thank you,

Port Lambton Athletic Association