Port Lambton Athletic Association
Our purpose/objective
1. The association is a non-profit organization for the publics benefits
2. To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or part of the principal and income there from, from time to time
In order to fulfill its purpose the organization shall:
3. Raise and distribute funds primarily for port Lambton and District community services
4. Assisting with other nonprofit organizations
5. Assisting families/individuals who are in financial need
6. Refrain from distributing any monies generated to members
7. Organize athletic sports like baseball, softball, soccer and others
Yearly P.L.A.A Events or sponsored events throughout the year!
Babysitting Course
End of Year Ball BBQ
Sr.Pirates Golf Tournament
GALA Days Weekend
Christmas Tree Trimming Party
Light Up Lambton Contest
Coaches and Umpires Clinics
Euchre Tournament
Quarter Auction
Easter Egg Hunt
New Years Eve Party
Halloween Party
Fishing Derby
Reapers Realm Bus Trip
& More!