Apr 24, 2019 | BantamOBA2021 | 1201 views
2019 OBA Peewee Final Roster
The coaching
staff would like to congratulate the following players for being selected to
the Port Lambton Pirates Peewee OBA Team for the 2019 Season:
Austin Martin
Chase Belland
Drew Bunda
Gavin Meriano
Geremia Nappi
Jack Martin
Lucas Laprise
Nash Grealis
Nash Lane
Ryan Bowen
Tom Blundy
Vinny Hunter
For those players not making the final roster, I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming season. Continue to work hard, have fun and compete. The coaching staff will be in touch in the coming weeks to discuss AP opportunities. For the players and families listed above, you will receive an email this week with additional details regarding the season.